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Getting involved in a greater cause instills a sense of purpose and helps you connect with like-minded individuals. One of my goals is to emphasize the relationship between emotional resilience and having an impact in the community. Below are causes that I have found rewarding and accessible, meaning you can find ways to get involved that are free of cost and do not necessarily take up much time. You can incorporate engagement with them into your toolkit for coping with uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety and sadness. Some of them offer ways for parents to get their children involved in important causes, which can support their social0emotional development.
I started using the free "click to give" function of this website over 20 years ago, when I was looking for a distraction from high school term papers. If you are ever feeling stuck in a rut emotionally, you can click on tabs for donating to various causes at no cost to you! Doing something simple and meaningful is a great coping tool.
CCL is an agency that advocates for curbing climate change and protecting the environment. The website offers per-written templates for contacting representatives, as well as informational videos about topics related to climate change. The agency also offers a resilience hub with free mental health resources, including a 12-week group which is aimed at enhancing coping skills and tools for enhancing communication and connectedness.
Sandy Hook Promise is a non-profit organization started by the relatives of victims killed in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in December 2012. In addition to advocating for laws to protect children nationwide, they offer a plethora of educational resources and volunteer opportunities. Their website includes free online tools that teach school-aged children about empathy and including others. I have had my own children watch these videos, including cartoons depicting how to tell if a peer is feeling left out.
This is an organization funding research and support for families battling childhood cancer. It was founded by a young cancer patient who had the idea of selling lemonade and donating the proceeds to help doctors find a cure. The concept of connecting a simple childhood pleasure to such an important cause is brilliant, and has the potential to give people a way to make an impact in a fun way. The website allows you to create an account and supports people who want to organize their own lemonade stands. Alternatively, you can search for stands being organized in your area.
It can be difficult to advocate for a cause in isolation. I used to feel that writing to representatives and expressing my concerns about climate change was outside of my wheelhouse. However, this agency holds zoom calls that provide information on the issues at hand, and guidance about how to write effective letters to legislators.
In my experience, Mothers Out Front, an agency dedicated to environmental advocacy, has stood out in its inclusiveness and eagerness to get people involved in any way they can. Despite their name, you do not have to be a mother or female in order to join. At a recent event, my children loved helping me hand out postcards advocating for electrification of new buildings. As a busy mom and professional, I have appreciated how accommodating this agency has been. Also, it has been beneficial to my emotional well-being in helping me believe I am making a difference for present and future generations.
Resources for Making an Impact: Insurance
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